Monday, June 21, 2010

Squiggly lines for Microsoft Word?

In Microsoft Word 2003, there are red lines under words with spelling errors and green for grammar errors. However, in Microsoft Word 2007, there are purple lines. What are they for?

Squiggly lines for Microsoft Word?bmw

The Blue (or purple) squiggly lines in Word 2007 are used for "spelling errors".

Hence, if I typed "I've seen that to many times" - the words are all spelled correctly, and there isn't anything "grammatically" incorrect, but the word "To" is in the wrong form, it should be "Too". It's only a feature that's turned on if you have 1 GB or higher memory on your computer, and is just a new way that Word is trying to help you. How many times have you turned in a paper with everything spelled correct, but it just wasn't the word you were looking for.

Hope this helps :)

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