Monday, June 21, 2010

Is "Yahoo Beta / Microsoft International Award 2007" legitimate?

I was notified that my email id has won yahoo beta consolation prize 2007. this win is the final draw results of 2007 Yahoo Beta, Microsoft / Staatsloterij wheel E-game. Yahoo Beta / Microsoft is registered under the Data Protection Act of; (Registration Z720633X). Is this legitimate? or just another scam?

Is "Yahoo Beta / Microsoft International Award 2007" legitimate?vincent

another scam .... should be obvious, microsoft has no ties to yahoo

and i really don't understand why people keep thinking there's a fortune somewhere just waiting ....

Is "Yahoo Beta / Microsoft International Award 2007" legitimate?adware remover

This is a SCAM. Check out the below link for confirmation of various scams, including the famous Yahoo/MSN lottery scams and how to report them.

Unscrupulous thieves have sent you this email and they are trying to part you from your hard earned cash. They will often ask you to call a premium rate number and keep you holding on whilst you rack up a huge phone bill. They are then paid a large proportion of this phone bill. They may ask you to divulge personal information about yourself or ask for your bank or credit card details. Do not divulge any such information under any circumstances. It is surprising how many innocent victims have been duped by these types of emails. Just remember the thieves who send them are very clever and extremely convincing. I suggest you delete the email and send it into cyberspace, hopefully along with the thieving scumbags who send them.

Check out these sites for further information :

From Wordpad to Microsoft Word?

Somehow all of my Microsoft Word files were converted to wordpad files. I'm wondering how to set Microsoft Word to the default program.

From Wordpad to Microsoft Word?virus protection software

hmm have you tried updateing your cpu?

From Wordpad to Microsoft Word?adware

Go to Windows Explorer. click Tools, Folder Options. Click on the File Types tab and scroll down to DOC. Click Advanced, remove the existing WordPad associations. If Word isn't listed there, click New and enter word: give it a name like "MS Word" and browse for the appropriate file, probably C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\winword.exe
That's odd
Right Click on any word file while pressing shift choose open with now select Microsoft Word, a diologe box pop ups,

check use this program to for this type of file.

This might work

best of luck.
Are these .rft (Rich-Text-Format) files? If so, then wordpad is the default program that opens them if you don't have Word installed.

Now, for some odd reason it defaults to Wordpad and you do have Word install. Then do this.

1. Go to one of the files, right click it, then choose Properties.

2. You see a button that says Change, click on that and select Word as your default application, and click OK.
you don't need a converter, you just need to set the default program for .doc files to use MS Word.

Microsoft paint

microsoft paint somehow got deleted of my computer, does anyone know how i can download it (for free) again?? help please :]]

Microsoft paint removal

If you cannot find "mspaint" in the "C:\WINDOWS\system32" folder in my computer, go here to re-download it:

Microsoft paint virus protection

Paint can't be deleted someone probally just deleted the icon. To find it again do this:

open my computer

click on your hard drive (local disk c:)

click on the windows folder.

right click the system32 folder then select search.

when the search window comes up type in paint

you will get the search result mspaint. drag it to your desktop and rename it whatever you want.

your done
right click on desktop, go to new %26gt; shortcut.

enter this in the box:


then press next til done.

Microsoft office displayed, A repuired .DLL file, MSVBM60.DLL, when installing, please what do i do?

please i was trying to install microsoft office 2003 into my pc. but it keep's on displaying A required .DLL file, MSVBM60.DLL was not found. please tell me what to do.

Microsoft office displayed, A repuired .DLL file, MSVBM60.DLL, when installing, please what do i do?virus scanner

Download the Visual Basic 6 runtimes from the Microsoft website:

Microsoft office displayed, A repuired .DLL file, MSVBM60.DLL, when installing, please what do i do?anti virus software

Try downloading the missing DLL from the site below, reboot, then try to install Office 2003 again.

Microsoft Word 2007???

I am using Microsoft Word 2007 and I want to add page numbers to my document, i did it but i don't know how to make Word escapes the first page without numbering it, any one can help me how to do that?

Microsoft Word 2007???vista

Insert : Page Numbers : then you need to click the box thats says "Show Number on First Page"

Microsoft Word 2007???antispyware

You usually make the setup for this in View/Header and Footer.

Good luck.
it is like microscoft 2006 but in 2007 version DA
you got the oldest of Microsoft word, is that the edition of 2007, i have the edition of the 2067 one, sorry can't help you, lol

Microsoft SQL 2000 Server: What's my username??

Hye all! I got some question related to Microsoft SQL 2000 Server that i install on my machine. During my installation i choose "Mixed Mode(Windows Authentication And SQL Server Authentication)" so that's mean i just keyin my password only during installation. So right now my web script need my username. Here is that code: -----%26gt;

'### MSSQL database type config ################################### '--- Enter the details of your MSSQL Server below ----------------------------------------... sMSSQLServerName = "machine" '--- Holds the name of the SQL Server sMSSQLDBUserName = "" '--- Holds the user name (for SQL Server Authentication) sMSSQLDBPassword = "pass1234" '--- Holds the password (for SQL Server Authentication) sMSSQLDBName = "calendar35" '--- The MSSQL database name (required) .

So how can i know my username on this SQL server? Thanxs

Microsoft SQL 2000 Server: What's my username??

1. You should add login on SQL Server

In Enterprise Manager: Security--%26gt;Logins--%26gt;New login

2. Add above login as user in your database

In Enterprise Manager: your DB--%26gt;Users--%26gt;New database user

After that you can use this login (and password) for connection

Microsoft SQL 2000 Server: What's my username??antivirus downloads

Microsoft Word Art.. help?

I found a picture of a vinyl record on the internet. I wanted to put some wording on it and costomize it. I have microsoft. Can i do this with word art? or is there a better way? Thanks!

Microsoft Word Art.. help?adware remover

I don't think Microsoft Word will allow you to put Word Art over an imported photo. Microsoft Paint will allow it but the only fonts you get are the ones installed on your computer. If you have Photoshop, you can do some funky stuff ... maybe also with Microsoft Publisher.

Microsoft Word Art.. help?antivirus protection

Use microsoft paint to do it.
Yes, you can use word art to do this. Once you've pasted the word art into your document, you can modify it as you need to.
I'm having the same type of problem trying. Hope someone comes up with a good answer that will help both of us!

Come one PPL!! Put your heads to good use and help us!
you can use Microsoft Word but you won't be able to save it as an image.

To get better results you can use Adobe Photoshop, don't use paint it might reduce the quality of the images when saving it.

Do you think Microsoft has given up on Internet Explorer being the top browser?

I was looking at a description of Microsoft Silverlight, a free plugin for web browsers that allows web designers to program view rich content (Like movies, sound etc.) into websites more easily. Check this out! This is quoted from the Microsoft website.

"Silverlight media capabilities include fast, cost-effective delivery of high-quality audio and video to all major browsers including Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Windows Internet Explorer".

They've put Windows Internet Explorer at the bottom of the list of major browsers - why do you think that is so?

Do you think Microsoft has given up on Internet Explorer being the top browser?adware

It is listed in alphabetical order.

As of May 2007

Internet Explorer 59% of market share

Firefox 38% of market share

Mozilla 1.3% of market share

Safari* 1.5% of market share

Opera 1.6% of market share

Microsoft word help?!?

how do you make a venn diagram on microsoft word?

Microsoft word help?!?anti virus

use cirlcles... or autoshapes... that is the easy way...

Microsoft word help?!?auto protect

Create two circles using AutoShapes. Then, right click on each, one at a time, and go to Format AutoShape. Then, set Fill to none. Then, right-click on the borders of the shapes again and press Add Text. If there's overlap between the two circles, text typed in either one that flows into that space will appear there. The best solution to that is to create a new text box on those.

There's no Venn Diagram feature, so this will probably have to do, sorry!
I know what you mean. I guess there is an option for it in TABLES. Or you can draw it in paint and then paste it into your program. If I am not lost.

Have a nice day.
WORD 2003: Insert%26gt;Diagram will bring up a dialog box that includes Venn diagram as an option. I believe earlier versions have this option also, but not sure how far back it goes.
I have actually spent 7 hours just today trying to figure out the same thing--well basically the same. I would suggest you do a google search for exactly what you are trying to accomplish and see where it leads. However, if you figure that out, please let me know! Good Luck!!!!
I do not know how on microsoft word but i know Microsoft PowerPoint is good at doing that kind of stuff.
Visio works better for that stuff.
It's not possible. Sorry. You could use two chat bubbles but it would look right.
Can you? wow if you can let me know k!

Microsoft Outlook WebAccess Help!?

Does anyone know the telephone number to Customer Service/Troubleshooting for Microsoft Outlook WebAccess?

I can't seem to respond to any of my company e-mails since I switched to Windows VISTA!

Microsoft Outlook WebAccess Help!?antispam

Try your ISP first, as they may have a problem servicing your computer. Secondly , and I know it's hard, try to access Microsoft via the net, or by any telephone number you can find. See if the agent who sold you your set up can help with contacts, as I presume this is a reasonably new set up.

Microsoft's new Internet Explorer 7 doesn't work on any of our computers..?

We have five computers with various operating systems on them but the new internet explorer that is being shoved down our throats doesn't work properly on any of them. We are using windows 98 SE, windows xp, and windows xp2 yet the explorer is slower then a previous version... Why? Did microsoft hurry to get out a supposedly new product and take to many short cyts again?

Microsoft's new Internet Explorer 7 doesn't work on any of our computers..?antispyware

they tried to clone firefox, and once again it blew up in their faces...

...much like anything they do when it comes to trying to kill the competition by using dollar-muscle instead of brain-muscle.

they never learn that stealing ideas only works if you've real good coders working for you to be able to pull it off. meh.

but you're correct, internet explorer 7 sucks - most of the posts regarding it on this very site are 'how do i return to internet explorer 6 because i downloaded the new one and my computer don't work'.

personally, you shouldn't waste the man-hours by trying to get v7 to work well - get an offline install of v6 and put that back on.

or just switch to firefox and kiss your problems goodbye.

Microsoft's new Internet Explorer 7 doesn't work on any of our computers..?best antivirus software

Microsoft is always in a hurry to clone other peoples's incredible but now they are even forcing people to buy the new VISTA operating system with new computers... Windows XP is no longer an option.. Incredible. Report It

Firefox.... Firefox.... Firefox!

Make sure you are getting the latest version, there have been some changes, if this helps try my site you may like it -

Including 'Microsoft' and 'doesn't work' in the same sentence is redundant.

Microsoft Works Word help?

how do i get 1 inch margins set on my microsoft works word processor? thanks so much!

Microsoft Works Word help?antivirus downloads

Click file--page setup--then adjust your settings accordingly. There's top, bottom, left, and right. You can also change where the headers and footers go.

Microsoft Works Word help?cafe racer

Ok, if this is wrong, I will appologize ahead of time, but I use Microsoft Office Word 2003. In Microsoft Office Word, you go to File%26gt;Page Setup and you change all of the margin measurements (the first four: Top, Bottom, Left, and Right) to 1". That's all I know about that topic. I hope it helped. Oh, yeah, and you would probably have gotten more answers if you had put this question in Computers %26 Internet%26gt;Software rather than Computers %26 Internet%26gt;Hardware%26gt;Scanners.
Click File--%26gt;Page Setup

Microsoft Serious Error message after every reboot?

My comp. is 6mths. old, I have hardly anything on it as yet.

I keep sending the error messages to them, only to get more. At the same time, when turning on my comp. I get a FILE ERROR. Ignoring bad adaptive filter type.( with a kodak icon) which I recently downloaded.(new camera) At times my comp. will crash, with an apology notice from Microsoft. Help!

Microsoft Serious Error message after every reboot?antivirus programs

1.Download an antivirus program AVG 7.5 Free from

2. Start the computer. Press F8 key and go to safe mode. Check all Ok.

3. Restart: Start/Control Panel/System/Hardware/Device Manager.

Check your Kodak Camera ( webcam ?)is not having a yellow mark.

4.Also download AWCV2 personal or Pro trial version


Use the memory cleaner shown under Tools.

Microsoft Serious Error message after every reboot?computer protection

Well somthing simulair kinda happen to me a week ago.. and i got sick of it. i asked a quetion on yahoo search and i found this website where someone else had the problem. the solution was,If you dont mind losing all your files and stuff.. your computer should of came with a disc and it should re program your whole computer. you will loose any files that you had on you comp. but it worked for me i did it and now i have no problems. jsut had to Re-download stuff that i had before. but my answer probably isnt the best.. u might wanna try somthing else before trying that.

Microsoft word?? And fonts?

Right, you know you can download different types of fonts of the internet?

Well i was wondering, can you use them in microsoft word... I use XP...

If you can. How..???


Microsoft word?? And fonts?antivirus scan

All fonts are stored in the fonts folder that resides in the Windows folder. All programs that use fonts look to this folder. If you want to install new font, just download them, uncompress them (most come zipped up) and the copy and paste the font file into the Font folder My Computer/"C"/Windows/Fonts

Microsoft word?? And fonts?computer security

sure, you can use it, just download and install it in your system.

go to Control panel-%26gt;fonts-%26gt;

step 1: just drag and drop your new downloaded font into to fonts window (or)

select file in font window and select instal new font.

once, its installed in your system, its available in your MS word.
download the desired fonts and drag them into the Font Folder. When you open Word, they will be listed along with any other programs that use fonts.

There are plenty of free ones, no need to pay.
install them. after this any program can use them.

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Error (XiLeRO Patcher)?

Please help. I guess this is a slightly common error..

..A pop-up says something about the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library..

..the application has requested the runtime to terminate in an unusual way..

please help..%26gt;_%26lt;

see screenshot:

This error comes out when I try the XiLeRO finishes dloading the files/patches then the error comes up.

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Error (XiLeRO Patcher)?antivirus

Have you tried asking this question on that site, to their tech support and/or the user community? You stand a better chance of getting a good answer there than you do here.

Hope that helps.

Microsoft Moc?

where can i download microsoft Moc but FREEEEEE.....

i want something like forum or web stie but FREEEE.

Please post me back.


Microsoft Moc?aurora

Where can i find Microsoft Moc?

where can i download microsoft Moc but FREEEEEE.....

i want something like forum or web stie but FREEEE.

Please post me back.


Where can i find Microsoft Moc?auto protect

I know I am going to seriously regret answering this question later on, but what the heck ...

I know of nothing called Moc by Microsoft. Microsoft does have its Office Live hosting, which is technically free.

There are also plenty of free Web hosts out there.

Microsoft Word's terms?

What do you call that little white box that displays the name of the button when we place the mouse pointer over a button on a toolbar? (In Microsoft word)

Microsoft Word's terms?avast

It's called a Tool Tip or Screen Tip.

Microsoft Word's terms?ducati

Thanks for choosing my answer! Report It

Most folks just call it "Flyover." Don't know if that's official.
Tool tip or Screen tip

Squiggly lines for Microsoft Word?

In Microsoft Word 2003, there are red lines under words with spelling errors and green for grammar errors. However, in Microsoft Word 2007, there are purple lines. What are they for?

Squiggly lines for Microsoft Word?bmw

The Blue (or purple) squiggly lines in Word 2007 are used for "spelling errors".

Hence, if I typed "I've seen that to many times" - the words are all spelled correctly, and there isn't anything "grammatically" incorrect, but the word "To" is in the wrong form, it should be "Too". It's only a feature that's turned on if you have 1 GB or higher memory on your computer, and is just a new way that Word is trying to help you. How many times have you turned in a paper with everything spelled correct, but it just wasn't the word you were looking for.

Hope this helps :)

Microsoft fingerprint reader help, please help i'm despreat?

ok so i bought a microsof opymic desktop with a fingerprint reader keyboard.

ok hears where the problem is when installing the digital persona password manager 1.0 cd half way through the installation i stops. its says

- system stoped for services

the after awhile it cancels and say installatoin unbale to finish

- error 1921 biometric authentication service

-verify sufficent privileges

ok so i have googled for help and tryed many diffrent key words, many many diffrent websites, the microsoft website offers no help to this problem. i'm am not having a problem with the openin the software, my problem is i it wont install

i've gone to the digital persona website and downloaded the most recent version of the password manager 2.0 and the same thing happens its stops at the same spot and say exatct same things.

i have gone into controll panel, admistative tools, services and found a service called

-biometric authenticatoin service

Microsoft fingerprint reader help, please help i'm despreat?cafe racer

Are you an administrator on the computer? It sounds like you don't have the rights to do installs. Log into the computer as the administrator or give yourself administrator rights.

Microsoft Outlook 2007 sending question?

I have microsoft outlook 2007 and I also have yahoo mail plus. I have my pop3 info input correctly and i do not have the SPA checked as instructed as well. When I do a test run in the account settings page all works well however, when I am trying to send an email or reply to an email I can't do it. I have tried everything I can of to make it work I have even uninstalled and reinstalled the software to no avail. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you so much!

Microsoft Outlook 2007 sending question?network

One's firewall is blocking access to port 25 preventing Outlook from checking Yahoo Mail.

The other possibility is conflict between dial-up vs. broadband network settings especially if the subnet mask is the same for both accounts.

Can we invoke microsoft word through run window in WINDOWS?

We type "calc" to invoke Calculator, "excel" to start microsoft excel and "notepad" or "wordpad" to open the respective. Similarly is there any command that can be typed in run window to invoke Microsoft word?

Can we invoke microsoft word through run window in WINDOWS?nortan antivirus

Just the name of the exe file will do... winword? This is the name of previous versions, because they did not want to confuse the system, normally they would keep the same name.

Can we invoke microsoft word through run window in WINDOWS?nortonantivirus

just type "winword" in the run window... Microsoft Word will invoke..
yes: "winword"

Microsoft take over of Yahoo inc?

What does that mean for us die hard Yahoo users

Damn Microsoft if we wanted to use your services....we'd have MSN

What is a good alternative to Yahoo

Microsoft take over of Yahoo inc?norton 360

Yahoo! users should be worried. Microsoft has a long history of buying out innovative companies and products and subsequently turning them into Passport/Live/insert-buzzword-here clones with vastly inferior functionality than their previous iterations. And in time, these properties fade to grey while slowly losing popularity. For example, Hotmail used to be the largest webmail service in the world, now Yahoo! is far %26 away the largest (repotedly 255 million of the world's 543 million webmail users). The list of other such takeover targets that we now no longer recognize is very long indeed.

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said in his takeover letter to Yahoo!'s board of directors that they intend to "eliminate redundant infrastructure and duplicative operating costs" which is management-speak for layoffs, firing middle management at Yahoo, moving to Microsoft's technological and corporate structure, and other similar changes. Virtually all corporate takeovers of this sort are very negative to the employees at the company being purchased. It will be especially hard-hitting this time for Yahoo because of the vast difference in the way the two companies operate their businesses.

Microsoft word used for socializing?

hey does anyone know you can use Microsoft word to socialize with friends and family please?

Microsoft word used for socializing?norton 2008

Type document, save document, send document as an email attachment.

Microsoft word used for socializing?pop up blocker

Send it as an email, or mail it.
I cant remember the exact instructions but you goto Tools, then Online Collaboration, then Meet Now.

You need to fill in some details when you go there though, thats the bit I cant remember.

Microsoft Excel is asking for the disc which I do not possess. It is installed in my programmes, hel

The programme is installed. Everything else is fine - it is just the excel part. I cannot located Microsoft Office 2000 Professional. Can I use another version just to update this section? This happened after the sky Engineer installed my broadband. If I turned my system back to before the sky install would I lose the sky install?

Microsoft Excel is asking for the disc which I do not possess. It is installed in my programmes, help?norton antivirus 2007

You should have the original CD (plus a back-up copy) from when you purchased the PC - this contains a code which needs to be entered when firing up Office.

I'm not sure from your comment whether it worked previously, or whether this is the first time. If your PC is relatively new, I'd try the retailer helpdesk as a first call..

Microsoft Excel is asking for the disc which I do not possess. It is installed in my programmes, help?product key

you have to have it.

Is there a microsoft world lotto lottery?

Theres this email again in my account informing i won in d Microsoft World Lotto Lottery held in London last July 23, 2007. Microsoft Cooperation Management Worlwide was pleased to inform im a winner $300,000. Is Mrs/ Dr. Lonni Boer really exists as co-ordinator?

Is there a microsoft world lotto lottery?norton internet security 2008

Its a SCAM..

Think about it.. If you won a Lottery... Anywhere in the WORLD..... Don't you think they would fly you out there so, they can have you on TV and whatever else...

Think about it.. Here in the US.. If anyone wins anything even near a million.. Its all over the newspapers and TV...

There probley going to try and steal your identity or after you fill out Payment Processing.. There going to say please send us (about) $5,000 for the taxes and processing fees...

So, I wouldn't do anything but, just ignore them.. Or write back and say.. Send me the money and I'll send you the info back once I received it..

They will never answer you back.. and I would try and call you Internet provider and tell them about it...

Good luck with everything and let us know what happens...


Is there a microsoft world lotto lottery?spyware removal

Microsoft outlook help!?

im trying to set my gmail account up on microsoft outlook, %26 i am currently here:

which one do i choose on the server?

%26 what do i put in for the rest?

any help please?

i really want to set this up.

thank you.

Microsoft outlook help!?norton

use pop3 and localhost

check this url :


Microsoft outlook help!?spyware remover

All of that info is specific to the particular mail you are using. Check their help and/or faqs for this info.

Microsoft works 8 problems?

on microsoft works word processor if i miss out a word when typing something i go back type it in it will delete part of the word in front. say i miss the word 'and' ,I type it in and it will delete 3 of the letters in the next word then i have to retype everything out again from that point. I sorted this on my computer and now i can't remember how to sort it for my laptop.

Microsoft works 8 problems?noton

Its really very simple you can just hit the "insert" button on the keyboard when the problem starts. It will really work.... best of luck!

Microsoft Office 2007 trial help?

I downloaded the Microsoft office 60 day trial but then when I finished downloading the program and tried to open it, it asked me what kind of program I wanted to open it with and I don鈥檛 know what to put.

Microsoft Office 2007 trial help?pop up blocker

If there's an option "Take No Action", then select that. It should then open up correctly.

Microsoft Office 2007 trial help?systemworks

ok do u have winrar installed on ur pc?? wt was the file type of the download? (zip, rar, iso) ?

Microsoft premium 2000...what is this..why it is troubling me?

Sir! When i try to open the attachment files in the Yahoo mail box, it does not open.. but nowadays asking for 2000, and it says DATA1.MSI is to be loaded or something like that.. Is it the foulplay from microsoft to keep on buying new-new softwares from them forever..

Or can it be repaired by any means or by any free softwares?

I am quite new to this net-world. And please guide me to be independent from these daily torturers..

Microsoft premium 2000...what is this..why it is troubling me?software

I can't help you, but type in your browser the message your getting and you will find if anyone else had that issue and how they resolved it. I'm sure you will get numerous sites with info.

Microsoft premium 2000...what is this..why it is troubling me?vincent

If you not installed the software the problem comes or if the file gets corrupted also the problem comes .you need to reisntall the software. Even check for the virus problems alos because some times the problem comes due to the virus deletes the files in the system.
yeah u can repair this error message with insert your office 2k premium then when the message ask for it (data1.msi) you browse the cd and find data1.msi file. then klik ok. the cd will install it porperly.

Microsoft Automatic Updates Location?

Could any one tell me where is the default location for Updates which we receive form Microsoft and then we install them I searched through my root directory but no luck even in hidden locations,any help

Microsoft Automatic Updates Location?spyware removal

The installed updates will show in Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs if you tick the "Show Updates" box up top. As for the physical location of the files, that would depend on what has been updated.

Microsoft Automatic Updates Location?virus protection software

they are no longer updates when you install, They are now part of the xp os replacing the old... if you go to control pan/ look at add remove pgms/ then go to windows they are listed there, also msoft has a list of the ones you did in the updates page...
as mentioned above they are located in add and remove programs (check box at top show updates)

you can also find them in

my computer%26gt;C Drive%26gt; Windows%26gt; folder

in the folders that are $NtUninstallKB891781$

Microsoft 2003. How do I set up a template that pops the cursor to the next location.?

Okay I have documents that typically looks like this:

blah blah blah blah

blah: ?

blah: ?

blah: ?

Approved by: blah

All the blahs stay the same. I need to just change the ?s with data. I would prefer those spots to stay empty. So I was going to set up a template (.dot) ... And I was wondering how I get the cursor to automatically pop up where the next question mark is so I can enter in the new data.

I HAVE been just having this as a .doc and have been just deleting and re entering the numbers. I dont want to do this anymore. So if thats what you are suggesting - thanks for the information that I already know. I would like to expand my Microsoft abilities though!

I KNOW it can be done. I've been messing with field codes and stuff but Im just not getting it right. All I can do is have the correct date to be there automatically when I open up the template.

Also, when I reopen the document and I start entering data, how do I get the cursor to the next location?

Microsoft 2003. How do I set up a template that pops the cursor to the next location.?stinger

Use the Forms feature to insert form fields. You can open the Forms toolbar to access the tools. Also, try using the Help feature for the details...

Microsoft Publisher for Mac?

I have a MacBook and I was looking for a program that is like Microsoft Publisher that is freeware or maybe even like $20 or something. The best descriptive(obviously the one with the program) gets the points! Thanks!

Microsoft Publisher for Mac?suzuki

I don't believe Publisher exists for the Mac. But you have several options. Look up the program NeoOffice. This is an Open Source program, it's free. It's actually a version of Open Office that's been designed to work more like most Mac Programs work (Open Office itself can get a little esoteric.)

Another option is iWork '08. Pages is a word processing/page layout program that's pretty sweet (and it is a lot better low end page layout program than Word is, despite what Microsoft wants you to think), and iWork itself is a whole lot cheaper than Office for the Mac. And it can generally deal with most equivalent files from the PC side of things. iWork '08 includes Pages, Keynote (Apple's very nice and slick response to PowerPoint), and Numbers, a much more intuitive spreadsheet program (while it can't do everything Excel can, it is more than adequate for most home users). iWork '08 costs about $80 (check, I think they have it at a small discount) for a single user or about $100 for a family 5-license pack.

Microsoft Publisher for Mac?virus

Try using iWork for Mac.... you want to use "Pages" for print documents for the most part.

Go to

Hope it helps... it's like $80 though.

Microsoft question again?

How do u make the paper landscape on microsoft

Microsoft question again?symantic

On Microsoft what? They have hundreds of products! I assume you're printing, so select "file", "print", "properties" and then select "landscape".

Microsoft question again?viruses

you can do that while printing, go to file, print, proprieties and choose landscape
Hi Brooke,

same place...file %26gt; page setup. You'll see an option for both portrait and landscape.

Good luck!

Microsoft programs won't update??

Any time I try to update my Microsoft programs they continually fail.

Any suggestions as to what could be causing this? Or has this happened to you.

How do I fix it?

Microsoft programs won't update??triumph

Are you using legal versions? Do you have "administrator" privileges on that computer? Are you getting an error message when it fails? are you running any other programs at the same time as updating?

Microsoft programs won't update??worms

did microsoft try to download active x

to see or work on your pc

so its able to detect what updates

u need to install u have to allow this to run

(make sure its properly signed by m.soft first)

your pc security

level is too high and its blocking

m.soft from the start(check a thin yellow bar that runs across the screen a quarter the way down it and across from side to side)when u go to update.this is one of about 5-6 reasons it wont install properly,im sure other answerers will be able to help also.
If Ur version of Windos is not valid updates will not B allowed. Go here.
are you using winXP?

If so, are you logged in as administrator?

What do you when the microsoft word icon says installing?

On this computer, when you try to click onto microsoft word it says the dialogue box is open. And that you have to close it to open Microsoft word. Then when you find what I'm assuming is the "dialogue box" it shows Microsoft word "installing". It has been installing for at least a couple of weeks! What can I do?

What do you when the microsoft word icon says installing?computer protection

I would suggest putting your Microsoft Office (disc 1) into your computer's dvd/cd drive slot, then open Word.

What do you when the microsoft word icon says installing?free antivirus download

The MS Office installer program is trying to install an application like word, as you double clicked on a file with the 'doc' extension. I guess you do not have word, right?

Here is what you need to on the first link below. this will take you to the Microsoft Word Viewer download page. Download and install it.

Once installed, things "should" be ok, but if not, find a word file (with the DOC extension). Do a right-click and select "open with %26gt;" and select "choose program". Find the Microsoft Word Viewer program, click ONE TIME on it and click the box below to "always use the selected program". Click OK. You should be fine from this point on.

Microsoft word dictionary??

hey guys!! how can i upgrade the dictionary in my microsoft word??? is there a site or sumthing??thanks=)

Microsoft word dictionary??computer repair

Check the below link. I think it helps:

Good Luck!

Microsoft certification MCP for web development using C# 2.0?

The latest (i suppose) certfication from microsoft..has anyone taken it?I like to have some info on the pattern of questions asked...

Microsoft certification MCP for web development using C# 2.0?computer security

I'm also looking for some kinda hints on the new .NET 2.0 exams. anyone done it or hav any idea about the exams %26 wht r the resources available on the web? can't find much.

Microsoft Photo Story 3.1?

When i open THE Microsoft Photo Story 3.1 it shows me this message:Pod.exe-Bad Image,The application or DLL is not a valid Windows image.

What it means that?

Microsoft Photo Story 3.1?computer virus

I would recommend uninstalling it, rebooting your computer, then reinstalling the program to see if that does the trick.

Good luck.

Microsoft explorer?

Everytime i use microsoft explorer after a few minutes it says it has encountered an error, and it shuts down. How can i get this to stop?

Microsoft explorer?computer

There could be a number of reasons with why that is happening. Mainly it could be some sort of add on that isn't working correctly. IE is not a good browser to use.

You're better off using Mozilla Firefox. It's much safer and easier to use.

Microsoft explorer?free spyware

if your talking about Windows explorer ,which i think you are , the only fix is to reload windows disc ,and check the box labeled repair windows ,but that doesn't always work either. because microsoft will always have these issues .

Forget Microsoft Explorer. It's prone to lagging, pop ups and all other sorts of nasties. use Mozilla Firefox, you can download it at the URL above. It's MUCH faster and has tab support.

If you're intent on using IE anyway, which I wouldn't recommend, then I'd say you should go on forums and post your question there. There sure to have some better answers.
Try reinstalling it. If the problem persists after reinstalling, also scan for viruses/spyware on your computer.

If that doesn't do the job, try using other web browsers, like Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Netscape.

Microsoft Zune In Pakistan.?

I had an Ipod Video 30GB and I don't really like it, and I'm now in love with the microsoft when is it coming to Pakistan?!

Microsoft Zune In Pakistan.?computers

unlike iPOD, it's not coming to pakistan OFFICIALLY! it's currently available at large electronic and computer stores on special orders and will hopefully available in large numbers soon.. the price obviously wud be sky-rocketing so i suggest u go to e-bay or and order one via credit card for a cheaper rate (u wont be able to get a local warranty on either one!).. why not try an unlocked iPHONE?

Microsoft Zune In Pakistan.?hijack this

I don't know about Pakistan, do they even sell new gadgets there? However, the Zune is supposed to ship to Europe in the next 2 - 3 months so maybe it'll ship to Pakistan by that time too.

Why don't you ask in your shops maybe someone know the answer. And the iPod video is much better than the Zune by the way.
As far as I know. Late 2007, Early 2008 for regional.

Its only been out in America for about 3 months. You can always order it online too and get it shipped to you. I am not sure how much that would cost.

Microsoft Word deleting my words?

When I'm writing in Microsoft word processor, if I click in the middle of a sentence and try to add a word, every letter I type replaces one already written. I can't stand this, I need the words that are being deleted, how do I switch this off?

Microsoft Word deleting my words?download

Press insert on your keyboard. Sometimes the key is marked ins. Should be over your arrow keys.

Microsoft Word deleting my words?hijackthis

On your keyboard, right hand side is a key marked "Insert". This key has two functions. One is to insert a letter in place of the current letter, which you are now experiencing. The other function, when the key is pressed again, is to replace a letter or insert a letter without removing one.

Good luck as I know how frustrating this becomes.
easy... to fix this press the

Insert key

Located near the Home key
hit the insert key, you may have accidentally toggled it.

If this happens every time you open a document, your Options are probably set to start in Overtype mode. Here's how you can fix that once and for all:

1.Click on the Tools-%26gt;Options menu item.

2.Click on the Edit page.

3.Under Editing Options, make sure the Overtype Mode checkbox is clear.

4.Click OK.
that happens to me too AND the backspace doesnt work on microsoft but it does everywhere else, its really annoying
Check the settings in your spell checker
on the bottom toolbar there should be a group of little abbreviations. You need to double click the one that says 'OVR' so it isnt highlighted anymore. All should be fine then :]

MIcrosoft project?

MIcrosoft project

MIcrosoft project?downloads

I know what you mean. MS Project can be very confusing. It has the capabilities of a Sherman tank when sometimes all you need is a BB gun. Good luck with that project.

MIcrosoft project?house call

what is the question?
That is not a question...anyways, here is a link to Microsoft Project's website:

Microsoft Access or Info-path I need a page of questions done quickly?

I have some questions that I would like to use in my job and would very much like to use questions where I can select from a drop down menu the correct answers.

I have a template ready on a word document but would like some one to put together this for me in a Microsoft Access or Info path format.

Can I put this out into the community for help or offers.



Microsoft Access or Info-path I need a page of questions done quickly?ducati

Sounds simple enough. Email me with info on how to contact you and I will be happy to do it for you in Access.

Microsoft Access or Info-path I need a page of questions done quickly?hp

If you want to get this or any other project done by a pro, you could post the project details (for free) at,, or You'll get multiple bids fairly quickly and when the programmers understand exactly what you need, you'll get a realistic time frame and agreement for completion.

Microsoft visual help c# express edition help?

ok i have just got it and need help with it. i would like to know of some thing it can do and how to get it to do them. more or less i am looking for a good guide to show me how to do every thing. i also got the microsoft game xna addon and would like to know if any of you know were i can get i guide that tells me alot of the codes and other stuff that i can get it to do.

Microsoft visual help c# express edition help?firewall

Hi, when you registar C# Express you will recieve a link in your email. When you click on the link you will be able to download a pdf full of beginner projects.

Might consider the SQL Server Express also for free

I suggest you join msdn forums and view the area of your choice.

Use google for the code search and the advanced feature to get the code by your desired language.

If you need more send me an email.

Microsoft Outlook E-mail?

My wife uses Microsoft Outlook for her e-mail, (I use Yahoo like a good boy). The problem, if in fact it is a problem and not just the way Outlook operates, is this: She will open the Outlook window and it will indicate that she has no new messages. However, when she goes to close the program, a small box appears on the screen that reads "Outlook Send/Receive Progress." It runs for about 30 seconds," then suddenly all her new mail starts popping up. Then. the box closes along with the program. Like I stated, it may just be the way Outlook operates, but something just doesn't look right. If anyone has any information on this, she/we sure would appreciate it. Thanks!

Microsoft Outlook E-mail?free adware remover

Click TOOLS at the top of the window. Then click OPTIONS.

Under the "General" tab, look for a box with "Send and receive messages at startup" next to it. Put a check in that box.

Make sure you click APPLY, then OK before closing the window.

That should solve your problem in Outlook.